Start Generating More Money from Your Metal Scrap & Spent Fluid with PRAB Metal Chip Processing and Fluid Recycling Equipment
PRAB has a portfolio of over 39 customizable equipment offerings across 4 divisions, all unified under the PRAB brand—offering metal chip processing equipment, fluid filtration equipment, conveyors, industrial water & wastewater treatment equipment, parts, services, and solutions to meet the unique needs of a variety of customers around the world. Products are designed, engineered, and built to last. As testimony, PRAB has equipment still operating in the field that was installed over 57 years ago.
When you buy a PRAB product you are getting more than a superior machine. As one customer put it, “I respect a supplier that takes responsibility for its product’s performance and system design in making certain that it is functioning as intended. PRAB is a valuable resource for us and we have confidence that they will be there to ensure its continued performance.” So why choose PRAB? You need reliable equipment to keep production moving and we are there to help every step of the way.